Tuesday, October 16, 2012

AHINOAM !!!!!!!!

AHINOAM !!!!!!
# 1_Abigail. . .went with David's messengers and became his wife. David had also merried Ahinoam of Jezreel, and they both were his wives. (1 SAMUEL 25:42__43)
Nearly every time the Bible mentions Ahinoam, David's other wife, Abigail, appears, too. Though Ahinoam was first married to David, the wealthy Abigail seems to overshadow her. Ahinoam didn't even come from an impressive city, for Jezreel was only a town in the hill country of Judah. Since her name means "gracious," perhaps Ahinoam never made trouble__but she had to feel slighted.
# 2 _With David and Abigail she traveled to find protection among the Philistines, so Saul could not destroy her husband. While David went to war at the Philistine king Achish's side, the Amalekites raided his home at Ziklag, capturing Ahinoam and Abigail. David returned early to rescure the women. What a joyous moment it must have been for Ahinoam to see her husband and his troops, for she might otherwise have become a slave.
# 3 _After Saul died, David became king of Judah, and Ahinoam bore his son Amnon. Amnon would grow up ti dishonor his half-sister Tamar, but Ahinoam may never have known that__since she's not mentioned in the story, she may no longer have been living.
# 4 _Ahinoam has only a small part in biblical history, though she was the wife of a king. She may have been quiet and faithful, getting less press than Daviv's other wives. Like Ahinoam, can we take a backseat? Or would we become resentful, needing front-page attention to be satisfied??

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