Thursday, October 11, 2012

ADAH !!!!!!!!!

ADAH !!!!!!!!!
Lamech married two woman, one named Adah and the other Zillah. (GENESIS 4:19)
# 1 _Lamech, a man of Cain's line, became the first poloygamist in Hebrew history, marrying both Adah and Zillah. Though it might have seemed fun to him, what a wreck it made of woman's lives for centuries. For though he was the first to do it, he was hardly the last Hebrew to think more wives were better. From his example came a long history of marital confusion, conflict, and disobedience to God.
# 2 _ The Bible describes Adah and Zillah's children, but does not tell us how their mothers got along. Yet if Hebrew family history is any example, they probably didn't have a smooth life. For God intentionally commanded that one man should marry one woman (See GENESIS 2:23__24). Those who disobey God pay a price, so marital harmony probably wasn't a part of this tenthold.
Lamech's rebelliousness didn't limit itself no marriage. He took vengence by killing a man who wounded him. Like Cain, he overeacted and failed to seek God's counsels.
# 3 _From Adah's story we learn the importance of following God's laws. What must it have been like to live with this angry man? And how could Adah share her husband with Zillah, yet understand God's complete commitment to those who love Him?
# 4 _This quick picture of Adah's life teaches us to let God control our marital choices. In Him, we'll experience the warm, loving relationship we're looking for. Apart from Him, we may feel only pain.

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