COZBI !!!!!! _And the name of the Midianite woman who was put to death was Cozbi daughter of Zur, a tribal chief of a Midianite family. (NUMBERS 25:15) # 1 Her name means "deceitful," and deceit had helped her seduce the Israelite learders Zimri. But it doesn't seem Zimri was slow in following her, and he wasn't the only one of his people who fell. Many followed the Moabites and Midianite woman into sexual sin while worshiping their idols.
# 2 _God's anger burned brightly against His people, and retribution followed. He commanded Moses to kill the leaders and show off their bodies to His people. Meanwhile a plague broke out among the Isralites, perhaps to give them a picture of the deadliness of their sin.
# 4 _Aaron's grandson, Phinehas, quickly took care of the problem by running a spear through the couple's bodies, taking their lives. With the death of this willfully disobedient pair, the plague on Israel stopped__but not before twenty-four thousand people died.
# 5 _Cozbi shows us that sin doesn't pay. God may be patient with us, but He does not wink at disobedience. If we boldly continue in sin, it will eventually bring terrible judgment. Worse yet, our wrong may affect many innocent lives as well as our own. Are we willing to take that risk?