Monday, June 3, 2013

ELIZABETH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 1 __But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years. (LUKE 1:7)
The godly Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, both from the priestly line, were aging people who seemed unable to have children. What a shock, then, for Elizabeth would have a son, John. 

# 2 _Is it any wonder Zechariah doubted? But saying the equivalent of "Oh, no you must be wrong" to an angel? What was he thing? God showed sense of humor, making the expectant father unable to speak until the birth of the promised child__perhaps so he wouldn't say any other silly things.  
# 3 - Some time later, Mary visited Elizabeth. Mary's relative immediately knew this young woman would bear the Messiah and praised her Lord for it. What a time of fellowship this must have been for these women who bore children with missions unlike any other in the world.  
# 4 - When Elizabeth had her son the relatives assumed the couple would follow custom by naming him after his father, Zechariah. But the angel had declared his name would be John, and that's what Elizabeth called the boy. The family questioned the father. As soon as he wrote, "His name is John," Zechariah's mouth was opened and he praised the Lord. From that moment on, all could see that John was somehow special. They wondered what the Lord would do with his life. 
# 5 - Elizabeth must have been amazed at the turn life took for her. Long accustomed to being thought barren, she was suddenly give a special child who would serve God in an unusual way. How blessed she must have felt! 
# 6 - When life takes unexpected turns for us, will we be a doubting Zechariah or a faithful Elizabeth? Trusting God takes a lot of faith when our lives are suddenly turned upside down. We have two choices: We can simply allow God to control whatever happens, or we can spend time worrying about the future. Since we can't change the future__and God has it all under control anyway__we may as well follow Elizabeth's example. We too, may find God has given us unexpected blessings. 

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